Guardian Digital Guardian Digital

navCenter - Customising Pages

A page of data is divided into two equal sections. The first section can display between 1 and three rows. Each row can display one or two windows. The second section can display between zero and three rows with each row being able to display one or two windows.

Thus each page can display a maximum of 12 windows. navCenter will automatically format the navigation data to be displayed within the window. Depending on the device there will be certain window shapes and sizes that are more suited to displaying particular sets of information.

For example it is possible to display a complex set of data, such as the Wind Display Gauge, in the smallest of the windows but probably not desirable. However displaying a simple set of data such as “Depth” or “Speed” can work very well with even the smallest window available.

Experiment at will. The process to adjust the number of sections, rows and windows to be displayed is simple, fast and easily done. Selecting the data to be display by a window is also a very simple process and may be changed as often as desired.

When navigating in shallow water its depth is likely to be a major consideration and thus it may be desirable to make the displayed depth as large as possible as shown opposite. To achieve this create a page displaying data on only one one window.

The view opposite was created by specifying:

  • One Row in Section one
  • That one Row to display only one Window
  • Zero rows in section two



Listing and ordering Pages

Tap the “List” button (top left of the Navigation Bar) to bring up a list of all current pages. Once there, swipe left on a row to delete it or tap on the row to open up the row's description for editing.

Tap the “edit” button to show the “Delete/Reorder Pages” view. Tap on a row's delete icon to permanently delete the page entry. Use the reorder handles on the right of the view to drag and drop a Page into a new position.

Tap “Back” to return to the previous view

Current Pages


Delete/Reorder Pages


Creating Pages

Tap the Navigation Bar “Create” button (third buttom from the left) to create a new page. A Template page will then be presented. The first time a Template page is presented it will look like the page opposite. Subsequent templates will be based on what pages have been created earlier.

A page of data is divided into two equal sections. The first section can display between 1 and three rows. Each row can display one or two windows.

Create Page


Select Data Type


The second section can display between zero and three rows with each row being able to display one or two windows.

  • Tap The “Remove a Row” button to remove a row.
  • Tap the “Add a Row” button to add a row
  • Tap the red circle containing a minus sign to “remove” the row's right hand window
  • Tap the green circle with a plus sign to add the row's right hand window back into view

Tapping on a window itself will display a view containing a list of data types that the window can display. Select a data type by tapping on it and confirm the choice by tapping the “Done” button. The page may be dragged down to 'peek' at the main “Create Page”. Completely pulling down the displayed view cancels the choice.

Editing Pages

When viewing a page tap on the “Edit” Navigation Bar button (far right) to edit the number of pages displayed and the actual data each window displays. Opposite (or below) is an example of a page in the process of being edited.

Here the first section is displaying one row containing one window. The second section has three rows. The first row just one window and the second and third rows each have two windows. This layout may be changed by simply tapping on the edit buttons in exactly the same fashion used for creating a new page.

Just as with the “Create” page the view may be dragged down to 'peek' at the current page being edited . Completely pulling down the displayed view cancels any changes.

There is no fixed limit on the number of pages that may be created. However as pages are accessed in a serial fashion by swiping left or right on the screen, each user will arrive at the number of pages they require to achieve the desired balance of flexibility and data accessibility.

Edit Page
